WOW! Fall break is finally here, i thought i would never see the day. The day that i finish my last final, left the academy, and board an American Airlines flight direct to Dallas, a day that i could only think about for the past four months. The best moment was when the flight arrived at the gate and I could finally step foot back on Texas ground and see the family there to pick me up.

The week could not have gone any better, i saw so many people including lots of family, friends, and teachers. The first saturday back I home I went to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. I watched a big 12 football game which ended in success then hung out with my friend Lane Loiselle.

Then during the week i visited the ponder hs, ate lunch with my mom, and got to fly. It was a funfilled week, i wish that i could tell you about every minute of it, but that would take up too much of your time.

Thanks to all of you who i got to share my fall break with, it meant a lot. The best part of fall break was spending time with my family, i wish i could have spent more of it with them, but i'll see them in just a couple of weeks, and i can't wait!!!!!

love you all